Hello to all developers. I am pleased to share with you one of my incomplete projects, developed using Godot 4. The goal was to learn how to use Godot 4, experiment with new patterns, make mistakes, discover new elements, and above all, have fun. I decided to base the project on an existing game to simplify the process, and my choice fell on Pac-Man.

I started sketching out some ideas, imagining characters moving on a small train on tracks that self-construct based on the desired direction. If I could automatically integrate these tracks with a tilemap, I would easily create any labyrinth and allow characters to move according to specific rules. Thanks to the navigation features of the tilemap, I could also direct enemies towards Pac-Man, adapting the path to move on the tracks inside the labyrinth.

Managing collectables was another important element. I thought of delegating everything to a manager (CollectablesHandler), responsible for the placement and collection of collectables. This manager would take information from one or more Path2D placed on the tilemap.

I had a lot of fun studying some node and scene composition patterns. Godot really offers great potential. However, I must admit that some of the mechanisms that I had thought of turned out to be more complex than expected during the implementation phase. Despite this, I always find it important to analyze the results obtained to understand how to improve in the future.

Unfortunately, it's difficult to find time to work on personal projects when working full time as a full-stack developer. This project was developed discontinuously, only in the moments when I was able to take a break from work. I also realized how heavy it can be to carry out a project alone, and how nice it is to share your passions with friends who share your same interests.

I'm not sure if I will continue with this project, but I appreciate the experience gained very much. I would like to dedicate myself to the graphics part to express my artistic side. If you are interested in taking a look at the project, you can find it here: https://gitlab.com/theyellowbutton/code-name-imperfection

I welcome any comments or feedback. Happy development to all of you!

Background Music: Pac-Man Theme Remix - By Arsenic1987 (Find it on YouTube)

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